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A Great Solution for
the "Great Resignation"

An estimated 5 million U.S. workers have quit their jobs or their career field during the so-called Great Resignation.

Staffing shortages in healthcare were prevalent prior to the pandemic; but over the past two years 1.7 million people have quit their healthcare jobs: an
equivalent of almost 3% of the healthcare workforce each month.


The Consequences

1. Increased Costs
2. Decreased Revenue
3. RCM staff shortages


A Practical, Economical Solution

Significantly improve Revenue Cycle performance while
offsetting personnel losses by engaging a Strategic RCM Partner

A Strategic RCM Partner shares the performance risk with you and is motivated to deliver services and processes that add value to your organization.

The Partner should also bring a broad value profile by delivering Workforce Management , Cost Reduction, Increased Efficiency, and Positive Financial Results.

1. Your Partner can manage all or a sizable portion of the Revenue Cycle Continuum
Share risk, reduce costs, increase revenue, while utilizing forward-looking innovation.

2. No Capital Investment Required

3. Places Specialized Expertise at your disposal
Changing healthcare regulations and innovations in technology require constant attention. A Strategic Partner will stay on top of pertinent updates, committing resources and personnel with experience across multiple markets and facilities.

4. Fewer RCM Staffing Issues
Hiring and maintaining qualified, experienced revenue cycle staff is solely the responsibility of the strategic partner.

5. Provides Economies of Scale
Engaging a Strategic Partner brings cost-effective economies of scale, allowing actionable, proven innovation.

6. Can advise on transformative improvements in process management and technology

7. Speed of Transformation
Your Strategic Partner’s resource base allows you to immediately benefit from best practices helping you to react quickly to changing market


Medical Recovery Services can assist with the following:

  • Billing and Accounts Receivable

  • Charge-master Pricing & Compliance

  • Managed Care Contracting & Financial Modeling

  • Business Process Review

  • Provider Enrollment/Credentialing

  • Revenue Integrity - Medical Claim Audit

  • Point of Service Collections

  • Out of Network Negotiations






We welcome your comments and questions

contact Donald Tapella at Medical Recovery Services


Phone: (816) 229-4887, ext.112

Fax: (816) 229-4787

visit our website at

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